
作者:段彩彬 更新时间:2018-03-06 13:12 点击:
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Abstract:To explore the relationship between university students’ sense of emptiness, parents overprotection and selfconcept clarity, a sample of 547 undergraduates were selected and assessed with 3 scales consisting of University Students’ Sense of Emptiness, Parents Overprotection Subscale of Shortform Parental Rearing Scale (SEMBU), SelfConcept Clarity(SCC). The conclusions are as follow: university students’ sense of emptiness is negative correlated with selfconcept clarity significant; university students’ sense of emptiness is positive correlated with parents overprotection significant. The results showed that: parents overprotection is correlated with university students’ sense of emptiness, and selfconcept clarity partially plays an intermediary role between the two.

  Keywords:University Student; Sense of Emptiness; Selfconcept Clarity; Parents Overprotection 

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