
作者:胡仕勇 更新时间:2012-12-27 08:55 点击:
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(责任编辑 易 民)

Historical Analysis of Social Security Theory on the Disabled

HU Shi-yong1,2

(1.School of Politics and Administration,WUT,Wuhan 430063,Hubei,China ;

2.Department of Sociology,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,Hubei,China)

Abstract:The disabled social security theory has gone through a scratch from individual medical mode into a social model of disability benefits,from a narrow disabled relief to embodiment normalization.Through clearing up the clue of history, this paper elaborates from the ancient disabled social security thoughts budding to modern social equity theory,including civil rights theory,human rights theory and citizenship theory,then to the contemporary disabled security theory, including normalization theory, social support network,social exclusion and social integration theory.It also summarizes the traditional, modern and contemporary characteristics of the disabled social security theory, on the basis of which,a summary has been made on the relationship of social security theory on the disabled and social economic development level, and the relationship between the theory and the system theory, as well as the relationship between the theory and the social cognition on the disabled.

Key words:the disabled;social security theory;historical analysis

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