
作者:陈兰芳 吴刚 张燕 庄 更新时间:2012-12-27 10:01 点击:
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(责任编辑 易 民)

Research on Provincial Distribution of City Garbage Generation and Disposal Investment

CHEN Lan-fang1,WU Gang2,ZHANG Yan2,ZUANG Wei-wei2

(1.Faculty of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Emei 614202,Sichuan,China;

2.Faculty of Transportation,Soutwest Jiaotong,University,Emei 614202,Sichuan,China)

Abstract:For city garbage has become a critical problem of resource and environment,the studies of the provincial spatial distribution and its influencing factors were undertaken on city garbage generation and investment of 31 provinces,cities and autonomous regions.The studies were done by applying the methods as regression analysis,correlation analysis,cluster analysis,ratio analysis,and comparative analysis.They are helpful in providing reliable basis for timely adjusting the country's correlated strategy and policy.

Key words:garbage generation;disposal investment; spatial distribution;provincial difference;influence factors

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