
作者:董立顺 更新时间:2013-01-28 20:26 点击:
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  [责任编辑:蒲 涛]
  Dangxiang People’s Understanding and Use of Cistanche in Historical Records:On the Value of Cistanche in the Social Life of the Western Xia Dynasty
  DONG Li-shun
  (Institute for Historical Environment & Social-Economic Development in Northwest China, Shaanxi Normal University, Xian, Shanxi,710062,China)
  Abstract: Cistanche, a plant growing in sandy areas, is mainly distributed in Gansu, Ningxia, northern Shaanxi and western Inner Mongolia. From the perspective of local ecological knowledge of Dangxiang people, the present study is to explore Dangxiang people's understanding and use of the plant. It is discovered that they had very precise understanding of its biological properties, making profit from it without undermining its regeneration. It is found in the ancient records of the Xia Dynasty that in the interaction process with the people of the Song and Liao Dynasties, Cistanche was regarded as precious herbs and supplements. It was treated as a tribute and commodity so valuable that the court of the Western Xia Dynasty made high benefits from its export in their socio-economic activities, making important contributions to the founding of the dynasty.
  Key words: Dangxiang people; Cistanche; the Western Xia Dynasty; social life

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