
作者:狄霞晨 更新时间:2014-12-29 15:26 点击:
{18} The Junior MissionaryDips into Chinese Fiction, The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal(1918.11):p.743. {19} 艾莉莎马礼逊:《马礼逊回忆录(1)》,大象出版社2008年版,第176页。 {20} 朱维

  {18} “The Junior Missionary——Dips into Chinese Fiction”, The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal(1918.11):p.743.
  {19} 艾莉莎·马礼逊:《马礼逊回忆录(1)》,大象出版社2008年版,第176页。
  {20} 朱维之:《基督教与文学》,上海书店出版社1992年版,第304页。
  {21} 例如,郭士腊在《中国丛报》上发表了一系列文章不厌其烦地介绍、评论《三国志通俗演义》、《五虎平南后传》、《群英杰》、《东周列国志》、《萃忠传》等小说。
  {23} 赛珍珠:《东方、西方与小说》,《现代》1933年第2期。
  {24} 母题通常指日常生活或社会现实领域中的典型事件。俄国普洛普将欧洲民间故事分为31个类型母题,钟敬将中国民间故事分为45个母题。
  {25} 限制叙事中,叙述者知道的和人物一样多,人物不知道的事,叙述者无权叙说。叙述者可以是一个人,也可以是几个人轮流充当。
  {26} 纯客观叙事中,叙述者只描写人物所看到的和听到的,不作主观评价,也不分析人物心理。
  {27} 全知叙事中,叙述者无处不在,无所不知,有权利知道并说出书中任何一个人物都不可能知道的秘密。
  {28} 隐:《小说的小经验》,见:计红芳:《中国现代小说理论经典》,苏州大学出版社2008版。
  {31} 晚清的小说概念比较模糊,涵盖了文言小说、白话小说、短故事、叙事诗、戏曲、弹词、传奇等文学体裁。
  {33} 鲁迅:《中国小说的历史的变迁》,见:阎晶明:《鲁迅演讲集》,漓江出版社2001年版,第15页。
  {34} 摩西:《发刊词》,《小说林》1907年第1期。
  {35} 袁进:《中国小说的近代变革》,广西师范大学出版社2009年版,第24页。
  {36} 森有礼:《文学兴国策》,林乐知,任廷旭译,上海书店出版社2002年版,第13-19页。
  {37}{39} 陈伯海,袁进:《上海近代文学史》,上海人民出版社1993年版,第35页;第74页。
  {38} 梁启超:《变法通议》,华夏出版社2002年版,第118页。
  {40} 梁启超:《译印政治小说序》,《清议报》1898年第1期。
  {41}{42} 天僇生:《论小说与改良社会之关系》,《月月小说》1907年第9期。
  {43} 楚卿:《论文学上小说之位置》,见:阿英:《晚清文学丛钞(小说戏曲研究卷)》,中华书局1960年版,第27-28页。
  Protestant Missionaries in the Late Qing
  Dynasty and Criticism of Chinese Fiction
  Di Xiachen
  (Department of Chinese, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433; Institute of Literary Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, 200083)
  Abstract: Literature is of great significance to missionary work. Traditional Chinese literature, though, presents ills of all sorts, preventing China from social progress and revolutionary ideas and making it difficult to carry out missionary work in China. For this reason, Western missionaries expressed a desire to transform Chinese literature and the desire grew stronger with the advancement of the missionary work. Criticism of the old literature is one of the expressions the missionaries had in changing Chinese literature. As a result of influence from Western literary ideas, Western missionaries in modern times focused their interest mainly in fiction. It is the opinion of this writer that protestant missionaries set up a new coordinate system for Chinese fiction by comparing comments on Chinese fiction, and comparing Chinese fiction with Western fiction, thus also leading to comparisons by Chinese critics between the structures and narrative of Chinese and Western fictions, playing an active role directing men and women of letters in the late Qing dynasty to the emulation of Western fiction, accepting Western ideas of fiction and turning around the ideas of distained fiction.
  Keywords: the late Qing dynasty; Protestant missionaries; Chinese fiction; criticism

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